Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Okay so here is the final video. There are three clips here one from Venice, one of the fog rolling off the hills near Corciano, and one of the clouds going by at the Cliffs of Moher. Enjoy!
The music was a clip from Interstice by Audraulic. For the segment of the fog I put more contrast into the clouds and cropped for a 16x9 aspect ratio. The Venice segment was turned black and white and I attempted to try and make the light flicker less noticeable, there are also raindrops on the lens that were being a bit difficult. The Cliffs segment I brushed the clouds and put more blues into them and gave them more contrast.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Finding Natural Landscapes Final

 Don't Walk Off the Cliff
Nikon D5200
1/400 sec
ISO 160
No flash
Comments: The Cliffs of Moher are quite beautiful at all times of the year. I made a close crop to the land because I find it more interesting than the sky. I did brush up the sky to put more detail in it though. I boosted the greens to make them look closer to reality.
Nikon D5200
1/2000 sec
ISO 160
No flash
Comments: Some people walking on top of the cliffs. I cropped more horizontal and brought all the shadows and blacks down to make them silhouetted. I brushed the sky and brought the exposure way down to get more blue and detail back in the clouds.
Don't Look Down
Nikon D5200
1/500 sec
ISO 160
No flash
Comments: The crashing waves below you as you walk along the top of the Cliffs. I cropped more vertical and boosted the blues and that's it.
Jesus Horse Rays
Nikon D5200
1/200 sec
ISO 200
No flash
Comments: Taken outside Castelluccia. I brightened this a lot from the original as it was very dark before. The exposure was too low so I brought that up and boosted all the colors once I could see them. I cropped the horse closer to the edge and I had to straighten the photo which caused the horse's legs to get cut short.
Jesus Rays Due (two)
Nikon D5200
1/400 sec
ISO 200
No flash
Comments: Jesus Rays on the mountains. I warmed it up and cropped more severely. I put more contrast into the clouds.
When the Sun Goes Down
Nikon D5200
1/60 sec
ISO 1250
No flash
Comments: I dropped the shadows and blacks to silhouette the ground. I cloned a few lights that remained out. I cropped horizontal and brought the oranges and blues up slightly.
Dewdrop Daisy
Nikon D5200
1/200 sec
ISO 320
No flash
Comments: Granted that this is not a landscape it is something natural and I really liked this picture. I cropped in for just these few petals to show. I boosted the contrast a little and made the purple brighter slightly.
Nikon D5200
1/1250 sec
ISO 100
No flash
Comments: Zingaro was a beautiful national park we went to in Sicily. It was a little stormy that day and so the clouds looked pretty awesome. I made the blues closer to the vibrancy they were at and made the greens brighter. The clouds I put more contrast into.
Jesus Leaves
Nikon D5200
1/1000 sec
ISO 640
No flash
Comments: Taken in Corciano. The only thing I did to this was crop in.

That's all the photos I have edited, hope you all liked them!

International Travel Final

I decided to have all my international travel photos be from Amsterdam. There are so many ways to travel in that city that I thought this would be a good theme for travel, granted that it's only travel within the city. The only means of transportation that are lacking are via car, walking, and airplane but those are all pretty standard everywhere so I just focused on the one's special to Amsterdam.
Via Horse and Buggy
Nikon D5200
1/60 sec
ISO 500
No flash
Comments: I've seen a lot of horse and carriage in Italy but none quite so fancy as this with an actual buggy and a guy with a top hat. I was impressed. I brought the blues down to make the stone look more natural and boosted the browns and oranges to make the horses more vibrant.
Via Bicycle
Nikon D5200
1/160 sec
ISO 1000
No flash
Comments: Amsterdam has the most bicycles than any other place in the world. Most people that live here own three bikes. So needless to say bikes are chained up absolutely everywhere. Instead of parking garages for cars this was a parking garage for your bike. I originally had this in color and like it that way because there are some colorful lights in the background but ultimately I put it in black and white to make the metal bars stand out more.
Via Canal Boat
Nikon D5200
1/640 sec
ISO 200
No flash
Comments: Canal tours are very popular for tourists, its a good way to see the city in a short hour and learn about the city's history (plus it's pretty warm inside them). So here is a picture of a canal tour boat taken from another tour boat. I boosted colors and cropped so the boat was more on the right side of the frame.
Via Tall ship
Nikon D5200
ISO 200
No flash
Comments: You might not be able to get around the city in these with all the bridges but they are great for going out on the sea. Plus they're nice to look at. I boosted the blues and other colors and cropped for a wider shot.
Via Normal Boat
Nikon D5200
1/1000 sec
ISO 200
No flash
Comments: Normal people have boats too, they're easy to navigate through the canals. If you look closely there is a guy waving in the center window. I boosted colors and cropped so the boat was more on the left side of the frame.
Via Duck Dingy
Nikon D5200
1/100 sec
ISO 200
No flash
Comments: Not all the boats are in the best of condition but hey they still work just fine and you don't really care what happens to them. So when a pair of ducks sits and craps in your boat it's not big deal. I cropped down so you couldn't really see the street above because there was a distracting car in the way. I brought the colors out a bit.
Via Drunk Bike
Nikon D5200
1/400 sec
ISO 400
No flash
Comments: One of the three bikes most people own is a drunk bike, this bike is the one they take to the bars with them. They are generally not in the best of shape and very elaborately decorated for the reason that when you are headed home from a night out you won't mistake your bike for someone else's. This one had fake flowers all over it. Some are painted very bright others have tape decorating them. I only focused on the handle bars for this one to put emphasis on the flowers. I cropped it down and left it not being completely straight because it is a drunk bike after all.

Cityscapes Final

Pointy Ships
Nikon D5200
ISO 100
No flash
Comments: It was stormy out that day in Sicily and I thought it would be good to get a picture of the ships with the gray clouds above. The ships had to be straightened a bit. I boosted the colors especially the blues. Cropped for a taller photo.
Glowing Lights
Nikon D5200
1/15 sec
ISO 1600
No flash
Comments: Obviously the sun was going down so a high ISO was necessary. I straightened the bell tower, brightened the oranges and blues. I cropped so the tower was closer to the edge.
November in Amsterdam
Nikon D5200
1/1000 sec
ISO 200
No flash
Comments: Taken from a canal boat. I liked the trees leading you in the picture on either side. I boosted the yellows and oranges to make them pop more and cropped it a bit.
Bailey in Gubio
Nikon D5200
1/320 sec
ISO 200
No flash
Comments: Taken in Gubio. I played with the temperature and ended up making it look a bit sepia. I put more contrast in the clouds than the rest and had to brush Bailey's hair (heh) to make it brighter because it was dark in the original.
Nikon D5200
1/160 sec
ISO 250
No flash
Comments: The lighting was meh from the stormy weather so I made this picture black and white. I brought up the contrast a lot and cropped down.
Creepy Couple in Corner
Nikon D5200
25 sec
ISO 100
No flash
Tripod used
Comments: A long exposure to ghost people out of the shot. The one couple in the corner though didn't really move in 25 seconds so they stayed there but slightly transparent and I kind of liked it so I left them in the end photo. I made the photo kind of black and white but more gray and cream.
Luminous Clouds
Nikon D5200
ISO 100
No flash
Comments: Taken in Perugia on a stormy day. I liked this photo a lot in black and white, it made the clouds really stand out and help it look darker than it was that day. I cropped it so the church wasn't directly in the middle.

Faces Final

I chose to have my 10 final faces with the theme of different emotions. Enjoy.

Nikon D5200
1/40 sec
ISO 1600
No flash
Comments: Taken inside the Capitoline Museum. Medusa is a pretty terrifying person if you ask me with the whole turn people to stone if they look at her thing, but here she looks scared and that intrigued me. How can someone so terrifying be scared of anything. So I thought it would be good to capture her expression because maybe it's a curse to never have someone look at you, she was after all not always like this she was once beautiful but cursed by Athena for bing raped in her temple to look ugly and turn people to stone if they dare look at her. I chose to haver her in black and white because it is not a happy emotion and therefore deserves some unhappy colors.
Nikon D5200
1/160 se
ISO 1250
No flash
Comments: David has yet to slay Goliath in Michelangelo's statue. It's clear on his face that he is not certain whether he will win or not. One might argue that he is confident but his tense muscles and stern expression tell me that he's worried he might lose the fight. This I chose to put in black and white just to show the shadows on the statue better.
Nikon D5200
1/320 sec
ISO 100
No flash
Comments: I'd like to think there is always something on this guys head that is just driving him crazy. It was perfect that the pigeon was there, I'm fairly certain this statue is just not having a good time. he even has his hair flipping like he's trying to get something off his head. Of course this is not the case and really he is one of Bernini's designed fountain statues in Piazza Navona and I'm fairly certain he is trying to kill some water beast but the look of annoyance is still there.
Nikon D5200
1/500 sec
ISO 200
No flash
Comments: Taken at the Dublin Zoo. Of course tigers are proud (maybe not as proud as lions) but this guy made my day by meandering down his hill to stand on top of his log in this stance for a solid 5 minutes looking super majestic. I brightened his colors and cropped a little bit closer.
Nikon D5200
300 mm
1/500 sec
ISO 400
No flash
Comments: Again taken at the Dublin Zoo. While Mr. Tiger seems content being in his cage this guy was none too happy. I'm fairly certain he would've bitten me had I reached in. All I did with this picture was turn in black and white and change the aspect ration to a 16x9.
Nikon D5200
1/160 sec
ISO 400
No flash
Comments: Same photo as the one in cultural foods. She just looked very satisfied to have a warm stroopwafel on a cold November day. 
Nikon D5200
1/320 sec
ISO 100
No flash
Comments: This little kid was waving to the pigeons and having the time of his life. Nothing could damper his mood not even falling down. I tried to crop out the person behind him but their foot remains unfortunately. I played with the temperature and brought down the green in the sweatshirt behind him.
Nikon D5200
1/200 sec
ISO 500
No flash
Comments: Taken on the train to Florence. Ana and Bailey slept like that for a short while looking quite content. I made their faces lighter and brought down the red in Ana's shirt a bit.
Happy (I whip my hair back and forth)
Nikon D5200
1/640 sec
No flash
Comments: Ana was swishing her hair around for us in Corciano and it's clear that she's enjoying doing it. It was close to sunset and her face was really dark in the original photo so I brushed it and over exposed it a little to make it look more normal. he still looks pretty tan though. It should be noted that in the original photo Chris had just gotten swished in the face with her hair and made a pretty funny expression but I cut it out as it distracted from Ana. Sorry Chris.
Nikon D5200
1/250 sec
ISO 500
No flash
Comments: This little girl was running by on the train and I happened to snap a shot of her as she was looking at me, I showed her the picture after and she was quite happy and trotted away. She had a small purple mark on her nose from juice or a marker that I cloned out, cute as it may have been, so it didn't distract from her curious eyes. 

Religious Structures Final

Jesus Rays
Nikon D5200
1/80 sec
ISO 800
No flash
Comments: Taken inside Saint Maria. I had to crouch up and down to get the right color in the shot. It was pretty dark inside so my ISO was up. In LR I dropped the shadows to take away the detail from the wall. I boosted the oranges and reds and cropped closer to the window.
Nikon D5200
1/40 sec
ISO 1600
No flash
Comments: A small portion of a Venus statue. I had to boost the ISO to get a clear picture. In LR I made her less yellow and boosted the shadows and contrast.
Due (two)
Nikon D5200
1/1250 sec
ISO 100
No flash
Comments: My lens couldn't fit the whole of the columns in the shot so I just got a close up of two columns. I believe this is Temple E. I cropped the top of the column out of the shot. Boosted the blues, lessened the yellowy orange from the columns.
Bell Towers
Nikon D5200
1/2500 sec
ISO 400
No flash
Comments: Taken in Dublin at Christ Church. I wasn't able to get the whole cathedral in the shot so instead I tried to get the branch in the shot. I straightened the building but left it with an obscure angle. I made it black and white because there wasn't much color to begin with.
Nikon D5200
1/4000 sec
ISO 6400
No flash
Comments: Taken in Perugia. Close up of a slab of ancient writing. The room was dark so my ISO was high but it probably could have been lower because the shutter speed did not need to be that fast but at the time I didn't care for this photo. In LR I cropped the photo so the crack didn't go into the corners and so the second and third line of writing were not complete. I made it black and white because it appealed to me more than the yellow color. I had to bring the shadows and blacks down a lot to bring more contrast into the letters.
Blue Steel
Nikon D5200
1/125 sec
ISO 6400
No flash
Comments: Taken inside Saint Peter's. ISO was high to accommodate the dark lighting and the far away subject. I cropped in on the statue's upper half more. I tried to make the body look more light and everything else a bit darker to match the subject. I made it black and white because to me the statue looks as if it could be real if it weren't for the colors giving it away.
At Nightt
Nikon D5200
7.5 sec
ISO 100
No flash
Tripod used
Comments: Taken at night (obviously) with a fairly long exposure so the Colosseum was lit up as well as the clouds. I liked the weird angle of the picture. I added more shadows and contrast to the image. The two closest arches to the bottom had a grate in them and I blacked them out though I think they might be a little too dark and distracting but it was either that or have ugly grates in the image equally as distracting.
That Calf
Nikon D5200
1/50 sec
ISO 100
No flash
Comments: Taken in Milan. Close up of the rubbed bronze of Jesus at one of the stations of the cross. I got close to the door to get this shot and didn't have to crop much after. The colors of the bronze were dull in the shot so in LR I brought the yellows and oranges up to make them closer to what they looked like in real life.
Angry Cathedral
Nikon D5200
1/400 sec
ISO 100
No flash
Comments: Taken in Milan looking up at the cathedral. I was going to straighten the building out but I kind of liked the feel that this massive thing is looming over you and super tall so I left it the way my ca,era took it. I made it black and white to make this church look more grave and did nothing for cropping because it would have messed up with the tops of the building too much.

Cultural Traditions Final

These are my final images for the cultural traditions section. I chose to show images from my time in Venice and the flooding going on. Most of them are people reacting to the flooding and one picture of the splashing waves.
Rock the Boat
Nikon D5200
1/500 sec
ISO 1000
No flash
Comments: Took a while to get a decent wave caught on memory card. I needed a fast shutter speed to stop the water from moving so the ISO was required to be higher the normal. In LR I dropped the saturation of all colors except blue. The picture was cropped to hide the ground and to show less of the sky.
Nikon D5200
1/250 sec
ISO 500
No flash
Comments: Taken from a distance the original photo showed more people in the frame but they were distracting so they were cropped out. Again I dropped all saturation except one color, yellow, to focus on the little boy's raincoat. I wish I could get the remaining two people out of the shot.
Look at Me
Nikon D5200
1/160 sec
ISO 500
No flash
Comments: Quick shot of someone getting their picture taken. I zoomed in as much as I could with my lens but was still a bit far out so I cropped in on LR. Dropped all colors but the orange from the boots.
Splish Splash
Nikon D5200
1/200 sec
ISO 500
No flash
Comments: Another quick shot. I needed a fast shutter speed to stop her movements through the water. Dropped all the colors except blue.
Nikon D5200
1/100 sec
ISO 500
No flash
Comments: Taken on the rises above the water. Cropped in for just the three umbrellas. Brushed everything but the umbrellas to keep their color. I do wish the third umbrella was more colorful but it was gray to begin with.

Cultural Food Final

Here are my final edited images of cultural foods.
Here fishy fishy
Nikon D5200
1/50 sec
ISO 100
No flash
Comments: It was morning when I took this photo and the light was not the best so my aperture was as wide as it would go to let in the most light. In LR I cropped from the original photo drastically to focus on the fish and not the man selling it, I brightened the reds and blues more and made the shadows darker.
Hung to Dry
Nikon D5200
1/40 sec
ISO 400
No flash
Comments: Taken in Catania the same morning as the one above. Had to boost the ISO for this one to increase light in the photo. I cropped this one much like the other cutting the man out and the table below. Colors were boosted especially the reds and contrast increased.
Nikon D5200
1/80 sec
ISO 400
No flash
Comments: This was a close up of a pizza I had in Amsterdam (I know a sin after coming from Italy but it was cheap). The lighting in the restaurant was less than par so the aperture was wide and the ISO was put up higher. I cropped in slightly closer than the original picture and boosted the contrast in LR.
Nikon D5200
1/20 sec
ISO 400
No flash
Comments: Just a quick shot of someones coffee before they drank it. In LR I used the brush to desaturate everything other than the foam on top because it had an ugly yellowy tint to it. I wish there was a bit more to the top of the picture but that's all I had to work with.
Nikon D5200
1/30 sec
ISO 1000
No flash
Comments: Close up of a bowl of sugar cubes in Amsterdam. I had to take quite a many shots of this to get it right, upping the ISO each time until I finally got a clear picture. Not much was done in LR other than changing the crop slightly and making the brown sugar cubes less yellow from the light they were in.
Salami Picante
Nikon D5200
1/25 sec
ISO 1600
No flash
Comments: I finally remembered to take a picture of the pizza before I ate it. Lighting was again less than desirable so my ISO was higher than I would've liked. Not much done in LR other than bringing shadows back into the picture from the raw photo.
Amber and the Stroopwafel
Nikon D5200
1/160 sec
ISO 400
No flash
Comments: Hot stroopwafel is pretty good, everyone should try it. It was a rather chilly overcast day so there was very soft lighting. I liked that the background is out of focus to draw more attention to the face. In LR I cropped closer to her face. I brought the red saturation down to lessen the redness on her face from the wind and made her face brighter.
Pastries Galore 
Nikon D5200
1/80 sec
ISO 400
No flash
Comments: Taken in a bakery. The lighting was less than fantastic but not too terrible. It was hard to get a picture of the baked goods without the reflection on the glass ruining the picture. I cropped from the original picture and brought the yellows down to help get rid of the annoying fluorescent color.