Thursday, January 29, 2015

Billings Livestock Sale

So on Saturday I went to the BLS for my equine marketing class. While I was there I took some pictures of the horses and people around me. It's really an interesting place to go to if you've never been before or if you want to buy some horses or tack. Anyway here are the pictures I took. Now keep in mind that this is all done indoors with crappy lighting so my ISO had to be much higher than I would've liked. Also there are many obstacles in there so my shots focus more on the details rather than the whole picture because it was impossible to get a good looking picture with all the wires and rails and people in the way.
 This sleeping pup was right beside where I was sitting, she was able to sleep even with all the noise going on around her.
 I thought it was interesting to focus on the riders hands and whether they were tight or loose depending on whether their horse was soft or hard in the mouth.
 Back shot of saddle and rider as they leave the sale pen.
 One of the horses outside, he was just eating hay waiting for his turn to go into the sale pen, I likes the painted number on him and the detail of it.
 Another hand shot with a partial of the horses head. I liked this mare a lot though she didn't sell well unfortunately.
Hip 64 leaving the sale pen all too happy to be rid of the scariness. This is my favorite picture from BLS, I'm not really sure why.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Humans of New York

So I recently got this book as a present and it's actually quite interesting. Brandon Stanton travels around New York and takes pictures of strangers, and those pictures turn out to be quite beautiful. He talks to the people he takes pictures of and almost all of them have an interesting story to go with their picture. Here's a link to his archive to check out some of his pictures He also has recently traveled to Iran and has a bunch of picture taken from there of strangers. If you can appreciate nothing else about these pictures they are quite funny.
Here is one of the more amusing pictures he has taken captioned the Endangered Homocornia Glamorali

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Nick Brandt

So Nick Brandt is a photographer I have been following since high school, I find his work really beautiful and is one of the reasons why I some day soon wish to go to Africa. He exclusively photographs the animals of Africa in hopes to bring to light their dying population and habitat. He started a non-profit organization called Big Life foundation dedicated to the conservations of the ecosystem and wildlife of Africa. According to him he does not use telephoto lens to take any of his pictures meaning he must get really close to the animals to get such detailed shots. He still shoots in film but scans them onto the computer to edit them. I am a fan of black and white photography so these pictures appeal to me but it makes them all very sad. Here is a link to his website for examples of his pictures.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Some Images

These are just some random pictures I have taken from my time over in Europe and some pictures I took over winter break.
This was taken in southern New Hampshire a few days before Thanksgiving, I just really like the picture and did a bit of editing to it in LR but this is pretty much what the sunrise actually looked like.
From the same morning as above but facing away from the gorgeous sunrise colors, I put it in b+w because I liked how the white of the snow contrasted with the grey sky.
Again from the same morning. I liked the sun beginning to shine on the trees.
A few days later I believe, our clothesline had frozen the night before so I got a close up of the ice on it.
This is a shot from Taormina, Sicily. I really liked this picture but it didn't fit into any of the final categories.
Taken at a pit stop somewhere in Sicily, it was stormy that day so the clouds looked pretty cool.
Taken in Florence at the Galileo museum. I had to do a bunch of editing to get a crane out of the middle of the shot (which you can still kind of see in the window's reflection) but overall I really liked this shot.
This is a silhouette of half the group I spent time in Italy with. We were up in Corciano on the first week and everyone just kind of sat there perfectly as the sun was going down, this is definitely one of my favorite pictures.
Meghan Faulkner giving us some scale to the massive skeleton we saw in Gubio? I can't remember where this was actually.
A silhouette of a fountain in the center of Perugia. I loved how the sun hit the water perfectly.