Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pantheon/ Markets of Trajan/ Circus Maximus etc.

Thursday October 9th

Today we saw a bunch of things, it was very busy so I'll keep it short for everything or else this post will take forever. We started off with the Pantheon, which was really cool on the inside since we had only ever been on the outside of it. Next we went to the Markets of Trajan, this is where people would have their shops and markets (obviously) pretty cool to see it still here. Then we walked farther down the streets to find the Theater of Marcellus, not as impressive as the Colosseum but still standing and there are actually a couple floors of apartments build right on top of it (this tends to happen a lot in Rome, ancient things just get things built over the top of them). Then we went to the Temple of Portunus dedicated to the safety of seafarers, I had to present here about the history of the temple as we were all give topics to talk about either in Sicily or Rome. On we went to the Temple of Hercules Victor/ Vesta since they don't know which one it actually is, I also had to present this temple. And then we went to the Church of Saint Mary in Cosmedin, though it is not of the ancient or imperial era, it is thought to hold the Ara Maxima (Great Altar of Hercules) in the basement floor (and I had to present again here). The Great Altar of Hercules is actually a really cool thing, it is the oldest known temple dedicated to Hercules and is though to predate any sort of religion in Rome (super old). Lastly we went to the Circus Maximus where chariot races took place, this place is still used and when we were there they were setting up for a political fair thing. After this we were free to roam on our own, I went and bought way too many art supplies because the brushes and paper I had were very bad quality. After that I actually watercolored a bit since we had 10 sketches due pretty soon and I only had one done. Then we went out to the Irish pub again, not for food, and were going to listen to the band but the sound check was going terribly so we didn't stay long for that. Now on to the real issue with european countries, I don't know if this is just an Italian thing but every public restroom I have used tends to not have a toilet seat. I don't understand the point of this, its a very unsettling situation to have to go so bd only to find a missing toilet seat. It's not like they don't exist, the holes the seat attaches to are there just no seat. If there is some kind of toilet seat thief running around Italy I would kindly ask him or her (probably him since a her would understand the struggle) to stop on behalf of every girl that has to use those facilities. And to the pictures we go!
Pantheon in the daylight.

Some carriages in front of the Pantheon,  really like this picture for some reason.
Aww ponies.
Column of Trajan.
Theater of Marcellus, see the addition on the top.
Temple of Portunus.
Temple of Hercules Victor/ Vesta.
Some nice candles. 

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