Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The last few weeks at the Villa

So I'm just going to catch everyone up on the last few weeks that I've been back here at the Villa. Monday the 20th we had our Art History final exam, it was actually a lot of fun as we were all in teams (with Harry Potter names) and played jeopardy status (the best part was that it was after dinner and so we had all had a little wine to relax ourselves) and we all did very well (my team would've won if Mark had accepted our spelling in the final jeopardy question, thanks Mark). Any who after that we resumed our Italian classes and Started our watercolor classes with Jim, previously I didn't think I like watercolor but I've come to find out I'm actually pretty good at it. First week of watercolor we had to replicate a master work of art from before the 1800's, I chose to replicate Da Vinci's horse statue focusing on only the legs of the horse. The second week of class we had to replicate a modern or contemporary piece of art, I choose a piece by Adonna Khare with an elephant jumping after a balloon animal, I was really happy with this one though people brought to my attention my lack of backgrounds or much color. This week we were told to do whatever we want for our final piece, this was difficult (still is) first I was going to do a picture of my horse at the beach but that didn't pan out so I scrapped it then I was going to do a close up of a fox but that also wasn't to my liking, currently I am working on copying a black and white portrait of a Vietnam soldier and this one is going much better and I'm even adding a little color to it and a background (eventually). Right now we are waiting for our pizza dough (that we all just handmade) to rise enough so we can go back and put some delicious toppings on it and have for dinner, this is a competition between everyone and the winner gets two bottles of wine so lets hope mine tastes pretty good. And here are some pictures I've taken since being back here in Perugia.
Delicious pastry shop in Vienna.
We visited Vienna two weeks ago and this church is there, super cool. 
Chocolate people at the chocolate festival in Perugia.
More of the Chocolate festival, these people are serious about their chocolate this festival goes for 9 days.
Some break dancers at the festival.
An over look of Perugia, so pretty.
Sunset yesterday in Corciano.
Little slice of moon yesterday.
First weeks final product, I gave up on the last leg because I realized the front leg was too low and it bothered me too much to finish it.
The real sculpture.
Second weeks final product.
The actual image by Addona Khare.
My work in progress right now.
The actual picture.

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